Formation and conditions of membership in the Club of Swiss Mountain Dogs z.s. are regulated by the KSŠP Statutes.
Application to the club - MEMBER.
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The form serves both for new members and for renewal of membership.
The establishment and terms of membership in the Club are governed by the statutes of KŠSP z.s.
If you are interested in joining the Swiss Mountain Dog Club as a new member, please follow the instructions below:
Apply for membership using the form see application form above. In it you must enter the last name,
name and email address, which is important for communication with the club.
After acceptance into the system, the application will be checked and the data will be sent to you
payment of the membership fee.
On the application, it is necessary to confirm agreement with the regulations of the breeding and the Club.
Please indicate the breed you keep, for future information sending
related to breeding.
Without these requirements, your application will not be sent. The inclusion among the club members will be done only after the payment has been verified. We are looking forward to all those interested in becoming a member of the Swiss Mountain Dog Club.
to indicate the breed, use the abbreviations used:
BSP Bernese Mountain Dog
VSP Large Swiss Mountain Dog
APZ Appenzell Mountain Dog
ESP Entlebuch Mountain dog
You can find the documents that you need to familiarize yourself with when signing up for the KŠSP in the CLUB - STATUTES AND RULES link.
We look forward to all those interested in membership in the Club of Swiss Mountain Dogs.